This album is very much a reflection of my experience, not only of my first dedicated field recording trip but also the first time living in a tropical forest.

The recordings have been done in São Paulo, in the National Park Cantareira, and in Minas Gerais in the premises of Iracambi, a NGO devoted to conservation, forest expansion and education.

Both places and the wonderful people I encountered thought me a lot about Nature and how we are part of it.

The Atlantic Forest has an incredible diversity of animals and plants, with many endemic species, but sadly it is estimated that only 7% remains today.

The sounds I chose for this release are amongst the most beautiful I recall and transport me immediately to the warm ground, the fresh scent and to the lush views in every direction.

My hope is that you enjoy it as well.

Please listen with soft levels due to the dynamic range throughout the album and remember that even though the full of textures and activity, this environment it's usually not loud.

I appreciate your support on this work.

Thanks to Vlad Arrais and Marina Sherer from Cantareira, who welcomed me with open arms and enthusiasm and to the staff at Iracambi who allowed me one of the best experiences (and coffee) of my life.


Independently released in February 28, 2021

All sounds recorded, edited and mixed by Melissa Pons

Cover art by Pedro Peres


All rights reserved

the tracks in this album are registered and intended for personal use only. If you wish to license them for commercial use, please get in touch via the contact form.


Swedish Forest Textures


Nocturnal Sounds of the Atlantic Forest